
package revel

type Controller struct {
    Name          string          // The controller name, e.g. "Application"
    Type          *ControllerType // A description of the controller type.
    MethodName    string          // The method name, e.g. "Index"
    MethodType    *MethodType     // A description of the invoked action type.
    AppController interface{}     // The controller that was instantiated.
    Action        string          // The fully qualified action name, e.g. "App.Index"

    Request  *Request
    Response *Response
    Result   Result

    Flash      Flash                  // User cookie, cleared after 1 request.
    Session    Session                // Session, stored in cookie, signed.
    Params     *Params                // Parameters from URL and form (including multipart).
    Args       map[string]interface{} // Per-request scratch space.
    RenderArgs map[string]interface{} // Args passed to the template.
    Validation *Validation            // Data validation helpers

func NewController(req *Request, resp *Response) *Controller {
    return &Controller{
        Request:  req,
        Response: resp,
        Params:   new(Params),
        Args:     map[string]interface{}{},
        RenderArgs: map[string]interface{}{
            "RunMode": RunMode,
            "DevMode": DevMode,

func (c *Controller) FlashParams() {
    for key, vals := range c.Params.Values {
        c.Flash.Out[key] = strings.Join(vals, ",")

func (c *Controller) SetCookie(cookie *http.Cookie) {
    http.SetCookie(c.Response.Out, cookie)

func (c *Controller) RenderError(err error) Result {
    return ErrorResult{c.RenderArgs, err}

// Render a template corresponding to the calling Controller method.
// Arguments will be added to c.RenderArgs prior to rendering the template.
// They are keyed on their local identifier.
// For example:
//     func (c Users) ShowUser(id int) revel.Result {
//     	 user := loadUser(id)
//     	 return c.Render(user)
//     }
// This action will render views/Users/ShowUser.html, passing in an extra
// key-value "user": (User).
func (c *Controller) Render(extraRenderArgs ...interface{}) Result {
    // Get the calling function name.
    _, _, line, ok := runtime.Caller(1)
    if !ok {
        ERROR.Println("Failed to get Caller information")

    // Get the extra RenderArgs passed in.
    if renderArgNames, ok := c.MethodType.RenderArgNames[line]; ok {
        if len(renderArgNames) == len(extraRenderArgs) {
            for i, extraRenderArg := range extraRenderArgs {
                c.RenderArgs[renderArgNames[i]] = extraRenderArg
        } else {
            ERROR.Println(len(renderArgNames), "RenderArg names found for",
                len(extraRenderArgs), "extra RenderArgs")
    } else {
        ERROR.Println("No RenderArg names found for Render call on line", line,
            "(Action", c.Action, ")")

    return c.RenderTemplate(c.Name + "/" + c.MethodType.Name + "." + c.Request.Format)

// A less magical way to render a template.
// Renders the given template, using the current RenderArgs.
func (c *Controller) RenderTemplate(templatePath string) Result {

    // Get the Template.
    template, err := MainTemplateLoader.Template(templatePath)
    if err != nil {
        return c.RenderError(err)

    return &RenderTemplateResult{
        Template:   template,
        RenderArgs: c.RenderArgs,

// Uses encoding/json.Marshal to return JSON to the client.
func (c *Controller) RenderJson(o interface{}) Result {
    return RenderJsonResult{o, ""}

// Renders a JSONP result using encoding/json.Marshal
func (c *Controller) RenderJsonP(callback string, o interface{}) Result {
    return RenderJsonResult{o, callback}

// Uses encoding/xml.Marshal to return XML to the client.
func (c *Controller) RenderXml(o interface{}) Result {
    return RenderXmlResult{o}

// Render plaintext in response, printf style.
func (c *Controller) RenderText(text string, objs ...interface{}) Result {
    finalText := text
    if len(objs) > 0 {
        finalText = fmt.Sprintf(text, objs...)
    return &RenderTextResult{finalText}

// Render html in response
func (c *Controller) RenderHtml(html string) Result {
    return &RenderHtmlResult{html}

// Render a "todo" indicating that the action isn't done yet.
func (c *Controller) Todo() Result {
    c.Response.Status = http.StatusNotImplemented
    return c.RenderError(&Error{
        Title:       "TODO",
        Description: "This action is not implemented",

func (c *Controller) NotFound(msg string, objs ...interface{}) Result {
    finalText := msg
    if len(objs) > 0 {
        finalText = fmt.Sprintf(msg, objs...)
    c.Response.Status = http.StatusNotFound
    return c.RenderError(&Error{
        Title:       "Not Found",
        Description: finalText,

func (c *Controller) Forbidden(msg string, objs ...interface{}) Result {
    finalText := msg
    if len(objs) > 0 {
        finalText = fmt.Sprintf(msg, objs...)
    c.Response.Status = http.StatusForbidden
    return c.RenderError(&Error{
        Title:       "Forbidden",
        Description: finalText,

// Return a file, either displayed inline or downloaded as an attachment.
// The name and size are taken from the file info.
func (c *Controller) RenderFile(file *os.File, delivery ContentDisposition) Result {
    var (
        modtime       = time.Now()
        fileInfo, err = file.Stat()
    if err != nil {
        WARN.Println("RenderFile error:", err)
    if fileInfo != nil {
        modtime = fileInfo.ModTime()
    return c.RenderBinary(file, filepath.Base(file.Name()), delivery, modtime)

// RenderBinary is like RenderFile() except that it instead of a file on disk,
// it renders data from memory (which could be a file that has not been written,
// the output from some function, or bytes streamed from somewhere else, as long
// it implements io.Reader).  When called directly on something generated or
// streamed, modtime should mostly likely be time.Now().
func (c *Controller) RenderBinary(memfile io.Reader, filename string, delivery ContentDisposition, modtime time.Time) Result {
    return &BinaryResult{
        Reader:   memfile,
        Name:     filename,
        Delivery: delivery,
        Length:   -1, // http.ServeContent gets the length itself unless memfile is a stream.
        ModTime:  modtime,

// Redirect to an action or to a URL.
//   c.Redirect(Controller.Action)
//   c.Redirect("/controller/action")
//   c.Redirect("/controller/%d/action", id)
func (c *Controller) Redirect(val interface{}, args ...interface{}) Result {
    if url, ok := val.(string); ok {
        if len(args) == 0 {
            return &RedirectToUrlResult{url}
        return &RedirectToUrlResult{fmt.Sprintf(url, args...)}
    return &RedirectToActionResult{val}

// Perform a message lookup for the given message name using the given arguments
// using the current language defined for this controller.
// The current language is set by the i18n plugin.
func (c *Controller) Message(message string, args ...interface{}) (value string) {
    return Message(c.Request.Locale, message, args...)

// SetAction sets the action that is being invoked in the current request.
// It sets the following properties: Name, Action, Type, MethodType
func (c *Controller) SetAction(controllerName, methodName string) error {

    // Look up the controller and method types.
    var ok bool
    if c.Type, ok = controllers[strings.ToLower(controllerName)]; !ok {
        return errors.New("revel/controller: failed to find controller " + controllerName)
    if c.MethodType = c.Type.Method(methodName); c.MethodType == nil {
        return errors.New("revel/controller: failed to find action " + methodName)

    c.Name, c.MethodName = c.Type.Type.Name(), methodName
    c.Action = c.Name + "." + c.MethodName

    // Instantiate the controller.
    c.AppController = initNewAppController(c.Type, c).Interface()

    return nil

// Controller registry and types.

type ControllerType struct {
    Type              reflect.Type
    Methods           []*MethodType
    ControllerIndexes [][]int // FieldByIndex to all embedded *Controllers

type MethodType struct {
    Name           string
    Args           []*MethodArg
    RenderArgNames map[int][]string


type MethodArg struct {
    Name string
    Type reflect.Type

// Searches for a given exported method (case insensitive)
func (ct *ControllerType) Method(name string) *MethodType {
    lowerName := strings.ToLower(name)
    for _, method := range ct.Methods {
        if method.lowerName == lowerName {
            return method
    return nil

// Register a Controller and its Methods with Revel.
func RegisterController(c interface{}, methods []*MethodType) {
    // De-star the controller type
    // (e.g. given TypeOf((*Application)(nil)), want TypeOf(Application))
    var t reflect.Type = reflect.TypeOf(c)
    var elem reflect.Type = t.Elem()

    // De-star all of the method arg types too.
    for _, m := range methods {
        m.lowerName = strings.ToLower(m.Name)
        for _, arg := range m.Args {
            arg.Type = arg.Type.Elem()

    controllers[strings.ToLower(elem.Name())] = &ControllerType{
        Type:              elem,
        Methods:           methods,
        ControllerIndexes: findControllers(elem),
    TRACE.Printf("Registered controller: %s", elem.Name())