
package revel

// An error description, used as an argument to the error template.
type Error struct {
    SourceType               string   // The type of source that failed to build.
    Title, Path, Description string   // Description of the error, as presented to the user.
    Line, Column             int      // Where the error was encountered.
    SourceLines              []string // The entire source file, split into lines.
    Stack                    string   // The raw stack trace string from debug.Stack().
    MetaError                string   // Error that occurred producing the error page.

// Find the deepest stack from in user code and provide a code listing of
// that, on the line that eventually triggered the panic.  Returns nil if no
// relevant stack frame can be found.
func NewErrorFromPanic(err interface{}) *Error {

    // Parse the filename and line from the originating line of app code.
    // /Users/robfig/code/gocode/src/revel/samples/booking/app/controllers/hotels.go:191 (0x44735)
    stack := string(debug.Stack())
    frame, basePath := findRelevantStackFrame(stack)
    if frame == -1 {
        return nil

    stack = stack[frame:]
    stackElement := stack[:strings.Index(stack, "\n")]
    colonIndex := strings.LastIndex(stackElement, ":")
    filename := stackElement[:colonIndex]
    var line int
    fmt.Sscan(stackElement[colonIndex+1:], &line)

    // Show an error page.
    description := "Unspecified error"
    if err != nil {
        description = fmt.Sprint(err)
    return &Error{
        Title:       "Panic",
        Path:        filename[len(basePath):],
        Line:        line,
        Description: description,
        SourceLines: MustReadLines(filename),
        Stack:       stack,

// Construct a plaintext version of the error, taking account that fields are optionally set.
// Returns e.g. Compilation Error (in views/header.html:51): expected right delim in end; got "}"
func (e *Error) Error() string {
    loc := ""
    if e.Path != "" {
        line := ""
        if e.Line != 0 {
            line = fmt.Sprintf(":%d", e.Line)
        loc = fmt.Sprintf("(in %s%s)", e.Path, line)
    header := loc
    if e.Title != "" {
        if loc != "" {
            header = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s: ", e.Title, loc)
        } else {
            header = fmt.Sprintf("%s: ", e.Title)
    return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", header, e.Description)

// Returns a snippet of the source around where the error occurred.
func (e *Error) ContextSource() []sourceLine {
    if e.SourceLines == nil {
        return nil
    start := (e.Line - 1) - 5
    if start < 0 {
        start = 0
    end := (e.Line - 1) + 5
    if end > len(e.SourceLines) {
        end = len(e.SourceLines)

    var lines []sourceLine = make([]sourceLine, end-start)
    for i, src := range e.SourceLines[start:end] {
        fileLine := start + i + 1
        lines[i] = sourceLine{src, fileLine, fileLine == e.Line}
    return lines