
package revel

func ActionInvoker(c *Controller, _ []Filter) {
    // Instantiate the method.
    methodValue := reflect.ValueOf(c.AppController).MethodByName(c.MethodType.Name)

    // Collect the values for the method's arguments.
    var methodArgs []reflect.Value
    for _, arg := range c.MethodType.Args {
        // If they accept a websocket connection, treat that arg specially.
        var boundArg reflect.Value
        if arg.Type == websocketType {
            boundArg = reflect.ValueOf(c.Request.Websocket)
        } else {
            TRACE.Println("Binding:", arg.Name, "as", arg.Type)
            boundArg = Bind(c.Params, arg.Name, arg.Type)
        methodArgs = append(methodArgs, boundArg)

    var resultValue reflect.Value
    if methodValue.Type().IsVariadic() {
        resultValue = methodValue.CallSlice(methodArgs)[0]
    } else {
        resultValue = methodValue.Call(methodArgs)[0]
    if resultValue.Kind() == reflect.Interface && !resultValue.IsNil() {
        c.Result = resultValue.Interface().(Result)