
package revel

type TestSuite struct {
    Client       *http.Client
    Response     *http.Response
    ResponseBody []byte
    Session      Session

var TestSuites []interface{} // Array of structs that embed TestSuite

// NewTestSuite returns an initialized TestSuite ready for use. It is invoked
// by the test harness to initialize the embedded field in application tests.
func NewTestSuite() TestSuite {
    jar, _ := cookiejar.New(nil)
    return TestSuite{
        Client:  &http.Client{Jar: jar},
        Session: make(Session),

// Return the address and port of the server, e.g. ""
func (t *TestSuite) Host() string {
    if Server.Addr[0] == ':' {
        return "" + Server.Addr
    return Server.Addr

// Return the base http/https URL of the server, e.g. "".
// The scheme is set to https if http.ssl is set to true in the configuration file.
func (t *TestSuite) BaseUrl() string {
    if HttpSsl {
        return "https://" + t.Host()
    } else {
        return "http://" + t.Host()

// Return the base websocket URL of the server, e.g. "ws://"
func (t *TestSuite) WebSocketUrl() string {
    return "ws://" + t.Host()

// Issue a GET request to the given path and store the result in Request and
// RequestBody.
func (t *TestSuite) Get(path string) {
    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", t.BaseUrl()+path, nil)
    if err != nil {

// Issue a DELETE request to the given path and store the result in Request and
// RequestBody.
func (t *TestSuite) Delete(path string) {
    req, err := http.NewRequest("DELETE", t.BaseUrl()+path, nil)
    if err != nil {

// Issue a POST request to the given path, sending the given Content-Type and
// data, and store the result in Request and RequestBody.  "data" may be nil.
func (t *TestSuite) Post(path string, contentType string, reader io.Reader) {
    req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", t.BaseUrl()+path, reader)
    if err != nil {
    req.Header.Set("Content-Type", contentType)

// Issue a POST request to the given path as a form post of the given key and
// values, and store the result in Request and RequestBody.
func (t *TestSuite) PostForm(path string, data url.Values) {
    t.Post(path, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", strings.NewReader(data.Encode()))

// Issue any request and read the response. If successful, the caller may
// examine the Response and ResponseBody properties. Session data will be
// added to the request cookies for you.
func (t *TestSuite) MakeRequestSession(req *http.Request) {

// Issue any request and read the response. If successful, the caller may
// examine the Response and ResponseBody properties. You will need to
// manage session / cookie data manually
func (t *TestSuite) MakeRequest(req *http.Request) {
    var err error
    if t.Response, err = t.Client.Do(req); err != nil {
    if t.ResponseBody, err = ioutil.ReadAll(t.Response.Body); err != nil {

    // Look for a session cookie in the response and parse it.
    sessionCookieName := t.Session.cookie().Name
    for _, cookie := range t.Client.Jar.Cookies(req.URL) {
        if cookie.Name == sessionCookieName {
            t.Session = getSessionFromCookie(cookie)

// Create a websocket connection to the given path and return the connection
func (t *TestSuite) WebSocket(path string) *websocket.Conn {
    origin := t.BaseUrl() + "/"
    url := t.WebSocketUrl() + path
    ws, err := websocket.Dial(url, "", origin)
    if err != nil {
    return ws

func (t *TestSuite) AssertOk() {

func (t *TestSuite) AssertNotFound() {

func (t *TestSuite) AssertStatus(status int) {
    if t.Response.StatusCode != status {
        panic(fmt.Errorf("Status: (expected) %d != %d (actual)", status, t.Response.StatusCode))

func (t *TestSuite) AssertContentType(contentType string) {
    t.AssertHeader("Content-Type", contentType)

func (t *TestSuite) AssertHeader(name, value string) {
    actual := t.Response.Header.Get(name)
    if actual != value {
        panic(fmt.Errorf("Header %s: (expected) %s != %s (actual)", name, value, actual))

func (t *TestSuite) AssertEqual(expected, actual interface{}) {
    if !Equal(expected, actual) {
        panic(fmt.Errorf("(expected) %v != %v (actual)", expected, actual))

func (t *TestSuite) Assert(exp bool) {
    t.Assertf(exp, "Assertion failed")

func (t *TestSuite) Assertf(exp bool, formatStr string, args ...interface{}) {
    if !exp {
        panic(fmt.Errorf(formatStr, args...))

// Assert that the response contains the given string.
func (t *TestSuite) AssertContains(s string) {
    if !bytes.Contains(t.ResponseBody, []byte(s)) {
        panic(fmt.Errorf("Assertion failed. Expected response to contain %s", s))

// Assert that the response matches the given regular expression.BUG
func (t *TestSuite) AssertContainsRegex(regex string) {
    r := regexp.MustCompile(regex)

    if !r.Match(t.ResponseBody) {
        panic(fmt.Errorf("Assertion failed. Expected response to match regexp %s", regex))