Revel tries to make the conversion of parameters into their desired Go types as easy as possible. This conversion from string to another type is referred to as “data binding”.


All request parameters are collected into a single Params object. That includes: * URL Path parameters * URL Query parameters * Form values (Multipart or not) * File uploads

This is the definition (godoc):

type Params struct {
	Files map[string][]*multipart.FileHeader

The embedded url.Values (godoc) does provide accessors for simple values, but developers will find it easier to use Revel’s data-binding mechanisms for any non-string values.

Action arguments

Parameters may be accepted directly as method arguments by the action. For example:

func (c AppController) Action(name string, ids []int, user User, img []byte) revel.Result {

Before invoking the action, Revel asks its Binder to convert parameters of those names to the requested data type. If the binding is unsuccessful for any reason, the parameter will have the zero value for its type.


To bind a parameter to a data type, use Revel’s Binder (godoc). It is integrated with the Params object as the following example shows:

func (c SomeController) Action() revel.Result {
	var ids []int
	c.Params.Bind(&ids, "ids")

The following data types are supported out of the box: * Ints of all widths * Bools * Pointers to any supported type * Slices of any supported type * Structs * time.Time for dates and times * *os.File, []byte, io.Reader, io.ReadSeeker for file uploads

The following sections describe the syntax for these types. It is also useful to refer to the source code if more detail is required.


The string values “true”, “on”, and “1” are all treated as true. Else, the bound value will be false.


There are two supported syntaxes for binding slices: ordered or unordered.



Results in the slice []int{1, 2, 0, 4}



results in the slice []int{1, 2, 3}

Note: Only ordered slices should be used when binding a slice of structs:



Structs are bound using a simple dot notation:


would bind a structure defined as:

type User struct {
	Id int
	Name string
	Friends []int
	Father User

Note: Properties must be exported in order to be bound.

Date / Time

The SQL standard time formats [“2006-01-02”, “2006-01-02 15:04”] are built in.

More may be added by the application, using the official pattern. Simply add the pattern to recognize to the TimeFormats variable, like this:

func init() {
	revel.TimeFormats = append(revel.TimeFormats, "01/02/2006")

File Uploads

File uploads may be bound to any of the following types: * *os.File * []byte * io.Reader * io.ReadSeeker

This is a wrapper around the upload handling provided by Go’s multipart package. The bytes stay in memory unless they exceed a threshold (10MB by default), in which case they are written to a temp file.

Note: Binding a file upload to os.File requires Revel to write it to a temp file (if it wasn’t already), making it less efficient than the other types.

Custom Binders

The application may define its own binders to take advantage of this framework.

It need only implement the binder interface and register the type for which it should be called:

var myBinder = revel.Binder{
	Bind: func(params *revel.Params, name string, typ reflect.Type) reflect.Value {...},
	Unbind: func(output map[string]string, name string, val interface{}) {...},

func init() {
	revel.TypeBinders[reflect.TypeOf(MyType{})] = myBinder